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Milton House

21-27 Flinders Lane,, MELBOURNE VIC 3000 - Property No B5115

One of Victoria's rare examples of art nouveau decoration, but applied somewhat incongruously to an almost Georgian symmetrical brick facade with quoined corners and bracketted eaves, within which is a major arch of American Romanesque Revival character and above which linked chimneys suggesting the English Baroque of Hawksmoor. The overall classical form is probably attributable to the architects Sydney Smith and Ogg, but much of the detail is thought to be that of their ... more



Milton House

14 Aphrasia Street,, NEWTOWN VIC 3220 - Property No B5098

A house of 1857-8 by the prominent Geelong architects Backhouse & Reynolds, for Charles Kernot, pharmacist, politician and amateur engineer; and for that date a rare example of full-blown Italianate desidgn, with an asymmetrical composition; triple window motifs at ground and first floor level, the lower one capped with a classical cornice and delicate scrollwork motif; corner pilasters treated as margin drafted ashlar blockwork; the eave carried on scrolled brackets almost of ... more

